Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

We made it

Aiden and i are waiting for our dinner at the hotel restaurant in south carolina

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Monday, March 23, 2009

News from arizona

We had a great time at the grand canyon but it was a long day and Aiden is very tired. He is moaning in

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

News from arizona

We had a great time at the grand canyon but it was a long day and Aiden is very tired. He is moaning in

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Today we are going to the grand canyon

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

We are at the portland airport waiting for the flight to arizona

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Friday, March 20, 2009

We are at the first airport

Waiting for our breakfast. The security people said i am an expertly packed parent

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Thursday, March 19, 2009


We're going on our big trip tomorrow! I might be able to update (with my cell phone) from the road.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Quick Update

Aiden is eating dinner right now - pineapple chunks, macaroni and cheese and raisins. It's a weird combination but it works for him and is keeping him happy while I dash around the house organizing various things.

We got a lot done today. I got shoes I'll be able to wear with pretty much EVERYTHING on our trip and we got Aiden's hair cut. We also got my ring sized down and a bunch of little things done around the house. Our day started with an 8am trip to Walmart for groceries so it was bound to be productive.

Aiden was feeling a little under the weather earlier but he seems to have bounced back. We've got a busy week ahead of us so I'm thankful for that.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Busy Boy

1st PICTURE - Aiden getting ready to take his first bite with a spoon!

2nd PICTURE - Aiden in his traveling tent. He will be sleeping in it on our trip and I am going to try to have him sleep in it at least once before we leave.

3rd PICTURE - Aiden in his graduation outfit with a graham cracker in his hands, naturally.

We're up early today and Aiden hasn't wasted any time. He just spent about 10 minutes checking out a big cupboard in the kitchen. I got him out of there and gave him a box of plastic dishes to play with; he's having fun with those.

This week was good AND brought us that much closer to seeing Adam. Speaking of Adam, he's doing well. Tuesday he had a fitness test (32 pushups in two minutes, 36 situps in two minutes and a two-mile run). Unfortunately he came up a few situps short so he had to retake it on Thursday. I haven't heard yet how that went but I should know by Monday.

I spent a lot of time this week getting ready for our big trip (we leave next Friday!). I had to make plans for carrying Aiden AND all our luggage so I got an Ergo Baby Carrier. I also pulled together a variety of healthy snacks...shelf stable milk, go go applesauce, raisins and almond butter packets. We are taking a lot of flights (10 in one week!) so I want to make sure I've got options. It takes a lot of energy for Aiden to keep up his high level of activity.

Today we will probably go to the mall as I need some spring clothes. I hope Aiden is cooperative. I will take him in the stroller rather than the Ergo because it will be easier for me to try on clothes. We are also planning a trip to the gym.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Growing Up!

Aiden is definitely growing up. He has developed a graham cracker addiction; I am trying to teach him the word "cookie" but he insists on pointing and saying "this". He definitely understands me though and I love that. If I say, " you want to eat?", he heads straight for the kitchen (with a huge grin).

He also understands the word "blanket". Today I told him to get his blanket and he walked right over to it!

I may have already written about this BUT he just started using a spoon the right way. He improves a little every day. Naturally, I am proud of him and I've taken LOADS of pictures.

He must have played a LOT today. He was pretty tired all evening and, at 7, he walked over to me and laid his head on my knee. He only does that when he is exhausted.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Sunday is usually a busy day for us. I like to relax a little on Saturday which means I have to do a lot of stuff on Sunday. Today we need to go grocery shopping, prep diapers for the week and put away the laundry Gail folded. Who is Gail? She's the neighbor I hired to help me out around the house. She's only come twice so far but it's been FANTASTIC coming home to a CLEAN house. She folded a small mountain of clean laundry, cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed. She also organized a kitchen cabinet that was out of control!

Yesterday we started getting rid of Aiden's baby clothes and my maternity clothes. I am saving a few little things but we are going to sell or give away most of it. We just don't want to drag it all over the country when we haven't even really decided if or when we'll have another child.

Adam is still doing well at Fort Jackson. We are in the home stretch (for basic training at least) and will get to see Adam graduate March 27! He has been working hard and learning a lot. His letters sound upbeat and I can tell he's glad he took this risk. I'm glad too! It hasn't been easy for the three of us but Adam is already more confident, focused and driven.

I will try to post some new pictures today. As you can imagine, I don't get a lot of chances to take pictures these days. I have taken some this week though.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Small Joys

Aiden has discovered the joy of peeing standing up. I was filling the bathtub and he was standing in the bathroom (naked) waiting for the green light to get in the bath. I had my back to him but I heard shrieking, laughing and clapping. I turned around to find him peeing on the floor and THRILLED with himself. I didn't know if I should tell him to stop or just clean it up so, this time, I just cleaned it up.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Quick Update

I bit the bullet and hired a helper to come around four or five times a week and tidy up while I'm at work. I think she'll be starting tomorrow. Before you worry that I'm letting a stranger into my home...she's been our neighbor for three years and we really trust her. Adam thinks it's a great idea and just the fact that I have it lined up has made me less stressed. I've been stressing myself sick so anything I can do to relieve ANY stress should help.

I set up Aiden's little tent and, so far, he seems to love it as a toy. I am going to move it to his room and let him play with it over the next week or two. Then I will let him try a nap in it. He'll be sleeping in it on our big spring break trip.

Aiden is eating a breakfast of grapes, cheese, milk and almond butter toast. I'd better get going so I can get ready for the day. I am wearing jeans today though so that's exciting!