All of a sudden I've got a bunch of things I want to write about. Not wanting to forget any of these gems, I will post them all right now.
1. Mick (our dog) has always liked hiding under things, in corners and so forth. Since we started putting furniture in the baby's room he has taken a liking to hiding under it. When we first got the dresser we started finding him under it all the time. We weren't expecting him to be able to get under the crib because it has a lower clearance but I guess we underestimated his terrier persistence. The only problem with him getting under the crib is that we don't think he's figured out how to get out yet. Several times now we've had to lift the crib to let him out. It seems like he should be able to get out if he was able to get in there but who knows.
2. This morning I was sitting on the couch and Adam placed his head on my belly. After about 10 seconds the baby kicked Adam in the head. It was pretty mild as kicks go but Adam definitely felt it. Adam kept his head there another minute or so but Baby Ross was NOT HAPPY and dealt him a huge combination kick that had us both laughing hysterically. Adam was surprised at just how physical a kick a 4 pound baby can deliver. Adam doesn't have to get kicked in the head too many times to get a clue so he moved his head out of the danger zone.
3. Kids at school are slowly realizing I'm pregnant. One girl, a first grader, is totally fascinated by the baby. The other day I was sitting down and she needed her shoe tied. I had her put her foot on my thigh because there was just no way I would be able to bend over and tie that shoe! Anyway she very sweetly said, "Mrs. I kicking your baby?" I had to stifle a laugh but I replied, "No honey, the baby is not in my leg, don't worry."