1st PICTURE - Aiden getting ready to take his first bite with a spoon!
2nd PICTURE - Aiden in his traveling tent. He will be sleeping in it on our trip and I am going to try to have him sleep in it at least once before we leave.
3rd PICTURE - Aiden in his graduation outfit with a graham cracker in his hands, naturally.
We're up early today and Aiden hasn't wasted any time. He just spent about 10 minutes checking out a big cupboard in the kitchen. I got him out of there and gave him a box of plastic dishes to play with; he's having fun with those.
This week was good AND brought us that much closer to seeing Adam. Speaking of Adam, he's doing well. Tuesday he had a fitness test (32 pushups in two minutes, 36 situps in two minutes and a two-mile run). Unfortunately he came up a few situps short so he had to retake it on Thursday. I haven't heard yet how that went but I should know by Monday.
I spent a lot of time this week getting ready for our big trip (we leave next Friday!). I had to make plans for carrying Aiden AND all our luggage so I got an
Ergo Baby Carrier. I also pulled together a variety of healthy snacks...
shelf stable milk,
go go applesauce, raisins and
almond butter packets. We are taking a lot of flights (10 in one week!) so I want to make sure I've got options. It takes a lot of energy for Aiden to keep up his high level of activity.
Today we will probably go to the mall as I need some spring clothes. I hope Aiden is cooperative. I will take him in the stroller rather than the Ergo because it will be easier for me to try on clothes. We are also planning a trip to the gym.