Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Friday, November 28, 2008

Aiden's First Thanksgiving

I don't have pictures to post but Aiden's first Thanksgiving was a success. We're staying here at a beautiful house in the foothills of Boise. Julie, Bob, Norma and Garrett are here and Aiden has been entertaining all of them.

Aiden spent Wednesday night with Mimi and Poppy. Adam and I slept at home because Adam was scheduled to work Thursday morning. I planned to use that time to catch up on housework. Adam got to come home after less than an hour so he helped me with the housework and we arrived at the house around 11. During our absence, Aiden was perfectly content to hang with some of his grandparents and had only one bout of missing us.

For dinner Aiden ate turkey, ham, cranberries, mashed potatoes, peas and a roll. He liked everything (as per usual). He especially liked the rolls. Right now Aiden is having a breakfast of ham, a roll and cottage cheese.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Weekend Update

I fed myself a huge bowl of baked beans.

Mama made these cute pants!

The Incredible Sleeping Boy

I put Aiden down for a little snooze yesterday around 4pm and HE. JUST. WOKE. UP. Yes, that means he slept 13 hours. Yes, that means he missed dinner and a bath. Yes, that means he was incredibly tired.

As you can imagine, his diaper was VERY wet. A testament to Bum Genius diapers didn't leak. He's still waking up though so I told the paparazzi to come back later.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Family Pictures

Adam's dad came out for a visit this weekend and he took our family pictures. We are totally thrilled with them! I was going to make you all wait to see them on our Christmas card but I'm just really excited to share them.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Aboard the S.S. Naptime

Aiden's new favorite hobby -- toying around in his new boat.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


We had lunch at a restaurant today. We ordered a pancake for Aiden's lunch and when it came we were shocked to see it was literally the size of a plate. We had to move the plate for a moment and Aiden let out a scream that made EVERYONE in the restaurant stop, look and laugh. He quieted down as soon as he got his food back. He proceeded to eat about 90% of that huge pancake. When he was done, he laid his head down on the table and looked very sleepy. It was pretty funny.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Here's Aiden's new weight chart. We weighed him at home so it's not a perfect weight but it gives us an idea of how much he weighs. By the way, that would be 18lbs and 5oz. You can see he hasn't gained much from last month but we know he eats a LOT and is quite active so we're theorizing that he just has a high metabolism.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Slide Show is Up!

Check the right hand side of the screen! There are almost 200 pictures this month.

October Slideshow Coming Soon

Here's a collage to tide you over.