Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, June 30, 2008


Aiden is currently eating avocado slices with his safe feeder. He's loving it but is getting slightly frustrated with the safe feeder. We've been having to help him figure out how to get it back in his mouth but he's learning. There will be a video on YouTube a little later today.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tired of the Heat

Summer has definitely hit. It was probably over 100 today and I was stupid enough to try running a few errands. Let me just say that miserable doesn't even begin to describe it. Aiden was perfectly happy though because he had some ice cubes in his safe feeder.

Today we also did a little work outside. Aiden came out in his exersaucer (in the shade) and we misted him with the hose. He loved it.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Check YouTube for New Videos

I am in the process of uploading new videos. I think I have 5 to upload so it could take a while but there are some really cute ones. I'm experimenting with combining multiple videos of the same thing (rolling over, playing in the saucer) so there are two pretty long videos. Let me know what you think.


I forgot to mention that Aiden started prunes yesterday. He loves them. Lots of yum yum sounds :)

Aiden's New Friend

Aiden's taking to sleeping on his stomach. No matter how much we turn him to his back, he eventually ends up on his tummy.

Ellie the Elephant was one of Adam's parting gifts when he did the circus story in the fall. Aiden loves Ellie. This morning he spent a lot of time batting her around on the floor.

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Roly Poly Man Turns 6 (Months)

Aiden is 6 months today. He started the celebration yesterday when he finally figured out what to do with that pesky arm when he wants to roll over.
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We Start Early

Today Adam and Aiden spent time outside reading a book about Steven Seagal. You can see Aiden was fascinated.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Notes on Bathing

We think Aiden is too big for the baby bathtub so we've started bathing him in the big tub. We fill the tub with about two inches of water and lay him down. He made sad faces the first time but now he likes it. We've been bathing him every night after dinner (he's a messy eater) and rinsing him with the shower.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Aiden started barley today and he liked it.

In other news, we had a disposable diaper failure that resulted in us having to take the cover off the car seat and put it in the wash. That was fun because it happened in the parking lot at Wal-Mart and we had to drive home with the mess.

We've heard a few giggles from Aiden this week. We hope he'll master giggling before our trip to Seattle.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Aiden started bananas yesterday. He likes them a lot and makes lots of yum yum sounds when he's eating. He's a pretty messy eater (or is it that Adam is a messy feeder?) so he's been getting bathed daily.

Aiden will be 6 months old in a week. I thought you might all like to see pictures showing then and now.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Today we started carrots. Aiden liked them but they are really runny and we ended up with quite a mess. Thursday we'll start him on barley cereal and Sunday we'll start with fruit.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Aiden had the peas for dinner last night. He loved them but we think they smell pretty disgusting. I couldn't bring myself to taste them.

Attn: Great Aunt Liz

Aiden engaged in some blanket play today. It's in the wash now but before he threw up all over it he had a grand old time chewing and rolling around.

Friday, June 13, 2008

In the war on spit-up, nobody is safe.

When you think you're protected with shoulder armor, the man bends at the waist and gets you on your lap. Shannon and Denise would call Aiden a happy spitter because he randomly squirts large volumes of milk and it never seems to bother him. We don't even bother with the reflux meds anymore because all this spitting up does not upset him and it didn't reduce the volume of vomit on my clothes. Today we'll be focusing on laundry as most of my clothes have fallen victim to The Spitter.

In other news...we got the OK from Dr. Ally to feed Aiden 1-2 meals of solids daily. Yeah, we had already kind of experimented with solids but it wasn't a regular thing. I had him weighed earlier in the week and his weight fell off the curve. Dr. Ally thinks the addition of solids should help him get back on the curve. So far he's had rice cereal, oatmeal and sweet potatoes. He LOVES oatmeal and sweet potatoes. I think we'll start peas next.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hands meet feet

Aiden found out yesterday that he doesn't have to be sitting in his Bumbo to play with his feet, he can easily find them while laying on his back.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Mini Me

It's been well established that Aiden looks like his daddy. Here is further photographic evidence to support the theory. You will notice they are wearing matching outfits from Old Navy. We're corny like that.


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